Terms of Service

Red Feather Publishing (“we”) of 42 Williamson Rd, Kardinya, WA 6163 proofreads, copyedits and gives structural and developmental advice to the client (“you”). By using the Red Feather Publishing website and using our services, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

Red Feather Publishing abides by the Australian Standards for Editing Practice. We follow the Snooks & Co. Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (sixth edition) and the Macquarie Dictionary.

Definition of Services

Developmental editing consists of a critique of the structure, flow, plot, pacing and character development of the text.

Copyediting eliminates grammatical errors, spelling, punctuation, syntax, inconsistencies, repetition as well as appropriate use of language.

Proofreading is a final thorough sweep to pick any formatting errors, typos, punctuation etc.

The Process

Initial contact made via email or website contact form by the client will be responded to within 24 hours.

We will discuss with you the scope of the project and level of editing required.

A sample of one page (max. 1000 words) will be requested and edited for free to gauge an accurate quote.

If the client is happy with the sample edit and price, and we are able to schedule the work, editing will commence.

All documents must be submitted via email in Word .doc or .docx attachments with standard 1″ margins with 12-point Times New Roman (or similar) font.

All editing is done electronically using Track Changes. A help sheet on using Track Changes is available on request. Notes will be in the comments sidebar and/or in email with the edited document attached.

For most projects, a style sheet is drawn up stating spellings, hyphenation, italics, capitals, units of measurement, how quotations etc. are presented.

If on receipt of the project, it becomes clear that more work is required then originally anticipated, we may requote the fee, deadline or decline the project.

The client will pay a fee for the project, as agreed in writing and/or in the contract.


Authors retain all full ownership, copyright and intellectual property of their submitted material.


Red Feather Publishing will not divulge the contents of any material submitted to third parties.

Documents submitted are kept in a secure online system and can only be viewed by the editor assigned to the job.

If requested, we agree to signing a non-disclosure agreement.

Please see our Privacy Policy with regard to data protection.

Payment Policy

All quotes are in Australian dollars.

Payment is accepted by direct bank deposit or PayPal.

Quotes of $500 or over require 50% deposit paid prior to the job. The balance to be settled upon receipt of delivery.

Invoices are due 2 weeks after date on invoice.

Late payment fees of $10 per week will be applied.

Any debt recovery fees will be invoiced to you.


Submitted documents are edited to the highest standards with two passes unless advised otherwise.

Any suggestions by the editor may or may not be taken up by the client, at their discretion.

However, we do not guarantee that the final document will be accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. The final work is the complete responsibility of the client.

Red Feather Publishing is not liable for any incidental, indirect, consequential or any other damages whatsoever as a result of our editing or proofreading services. In no event will the company’s liability extend beyond the purchase price of the service.

Any instances of plagiarism or breach of copyright, libel, obscenity, incitement to racial hatred will be highlighted. However, responsibility for these remains with the author.

Cancellation Policy

Once the deposit has been received or advice given to proceed, you are confirming that work is to start.

If you wish to cancel the assignment, please contact us immediately and give at least 24 hours’ notice.

If the job has commenced, the refund will be commensurate with any time already spent on editing.

If an incorrect or updated file is submitted, any payment for work already done will be invoiced.

Red Feather Publishing reserves the right to terminate a job at any time and for any reason.


Testimonials and word-of-mouth recommendations are priceless. Please consider leaving a review. This may be used on the website and social media pages.

There is no requirement, but if you would like to acknowledge us in a published work, please seek permission and send the review

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