Hello! I'm Karen Peradon, freelance editor and self-published author from Western Australia.

I’m mother to two awesome young adults and one big, fluffy white cat.

Originally from the south of England, I’ve lived in the glorious land of Aus since 2000, and in Perth, Western Australia since 2009. (I feel very lucky!)

Words are my medium, be it writing, playing Scrabble or Wordle, reading fiction, non-fiction, paperbacks, Kindle or even books on my phone. I love diving in, playing with, creating and shaping words.

I’ve been a copyeditor since 2011 after getting my Diploma of Publishing (Professional Book Editing, Proofreading and Publishing). Since then, I have edited novels, non-fiction, memoirs, theses, resumes, websites, essays, film scripts, and brochures.

As a writer, I know how much effort goes into creating a piece of writing, so I always treat my client’s work with respect and care. All my edits are suggestions, and I will explain why I’m making them. My aim is that my editing makes the author a better writer.

I have self-published five of my own books and guided many clients through the self-publishing process. I have also run workshops on how to self-publish.

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